Push ups pike

Level: 1 2 3 4

Triceps, Shoulders, Chest, Abdominals

Basic movements:

Push, Plank

Starting position:

Ground facing away from the anchor point

Strap length:

Mid-calf length

Functional classification:



Rest your knees and palms, feet in straps, arms straight.
Stand in a plank with your toes facing you, palms under your shoulder;
Do a push-up, pull up straight legs on the way out, bring the body to an upright position.
Strong active plank.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

Push-ups - level 3 peaks on FISIO functional loops are performed in two movements

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, chest and triceps. The dynamic implementation of these elements will help to develop the overall endurance of the body, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and general metabolism. This exercise is energy-consuming, performing it, the body will spend quite a lot of calories, which will contribute to rapid weight loss.  
