
The FISIO® platform has more than 600 FISIO loop exercises for any region of the body. All FISIO exercises are recorded by professionals with over 20 years of experience in TRX, and show you the correct technique for performing each exercise. 


  • biceps — 101 exercises,
  • triceps — 100,
  • press 180,
  • buttocks — 162,
  • hips — 246,
  • chest — 130,
  • the back is 216,
  • shoulders — 145,
  • shin — 127 exercises.

Each exercise has its own difficulty level from 1 to 10, as well as a functional classification (to develop which function of the human body the exercise is aimed at) and basic movement (standard fitness terminology). 

Enjoy using our FISIO loop exercise database, which we made with love!