Archer press

Level: 1 2 3

Triceps, Shoulders, Chest

Basic movements:


Starting position:

Standing facing away from the anchor point

Strap length:

Fully lengthened

Functional classification:



Feet at pelvic width. Grip at shoulder level.
Step back with left foot, toe up, feet together;
Step right foot forward, toe up;
Squeeze with your left hand, bring your right hand back;
Straighten your arms in front of you;
Repeat the same on the other side.
Strong active plank;
Don't drop your chest below the level of your hands.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

The level 1 archer's bench press on the FISIO functional hinges is performed with additional support on the toe

This exercise is aimed at working out the muscles of the chest, triceps and anterior delta. Such a non-standard load on the upper shoulder body can only be performed in loops. Loops allow you to do the exercise with the amplitude that is comfortable for the joints of your body. 

Gradually, thanks to this exercise, you will improve muscle flexibility, strengthen the triceps and pectoral muscles, which will significantly improve arm strength and the quality of movements in the shoulder joint.  
