Hip extension (single leg)

Level: 1 2 3 4

Glutes, Hips

Basic movements:

Extension, Plank

Starting position:

Ground facing the anchor point

Strap length:

Mid-calf length

Functional classification:



Lying on your back, arms out diagonally with palms up. Legs bent, right foot on the floor, left foot in the strap, under the anchor point.
Lift the pelvis in line with the body, foot under the anchor point.
Repeat the same on the other leg.
At the top point, knee angle is 90 degrees;
Pay attention to the position of the feet at the peak point.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

Hip extension (one leg) of the 1st level on FISIO functional hinges is performed with additional support on the heel.

This is an effective exercise for working out the back of the thigh and buttocks. The target muscles are the posterior surface of the thigh and buttocks. These muscles are of key importance in everyday life and are responsible for the vertical position of the body, gait, balance, running and jumping.

Performing the exercise with one leg allows you to increase the load on the target muscle groups, which makes it very effective. When performing the exercise, one leg is placed on the floor in order to maintain a more stable body position, as well as to distribute the load between the legs, which allows you to better concentrate on the technique of performing the exercise and feel the tension in the leg muscles.

This exercise can be performed not only by advanced athletes, but also by people with an initial level of physical fitness.
