Reverse plank leg abduction (alternating)

Level: 1 2

Back, Hips, Glutes

Basic movements:

Withdrawal, Plank

Starting position:

Ground facing the anchor point

Strap length:

Mid-calf length

Functional classification:

Strength, Coordination


Lying on your back, arms out diagonally with palms up. Feet in straps, above body level, legs straight.
Lift, palms together;
Lift your pelvis;
Extend the left leg as far to the left as possible, bring the leg back, make sure not to drop the pelvis;
Repeat the same on the other leg.
Strong active plank
Fix your pelvis and support leg while abducting.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

Retraction of the legs in the reverse bar (alternately) of the 1st level on the functional hinges of the FISIO.

This is an excellent coordination exercise for developing the muscles of the hips, back and buttocks. The middle and small gluteus muscles are responsible for the withdrawal of the legs, while the large gluteus muscle allows you to maintain a stable position in the reverse bar. The muscles of the inner and outer surfaces of the thigh and the muscles of the body are also actively involved in the work, ensuring balance.

When the hands are on the floor, this creates a more stable position and allows you to fully concentrate on the work of the target muscle group. This exercise perfectly develops the strength and endurance of the lower body, and also helps to strengthen and form a strong muscular corset.
