Squat jump

Level: 1 2 3

Shin, Glutes, Hips

Basic movements:


Starting position:

Standing facing the anchor point

Strap length:


Functional classification:



Feet hip-width apart, toes apart, grip at waist level.
Do a jump out.
Keep your back straight;
Glutes below knee level;
Jump high;
Perform the movement by the strength of your legs, pulling your body up a little with your hands.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

Level 2 jumps on FISIO functional loops are performed from a deep squat.

This is an explosive functional exercise that uses the maximum number of muscles in the body, allowing you to simultaneously train physical qualities such as explosive strength, speed and endurance.

Jumping out of a deep squat position creates a high degree of impact on the muscles of the foot and shin when jumping, and also activates the body's stabilizer muscles to maintain balance during the jump.

The development of explosive strength, speed and endurance are important components in the system of physical training of athletes in game and power sports.
