Torso rotation with squat (from side ot side)

Level: 1 2

Glutes, Back, Abdominals

Basic movements:

Plank, Rotate

Starting position:

Standing facing the anchor point

Strap length:


Functional classification:



Feet at shoulder-width apart. Grip with your left hand at waist level, right hand along your torso.
Take your left hand to the side, palm forward;
Turn your body to the left at 90 degrees, wrap your right hand around the grip;
Tilt your torso back, while unfolding your shoulders toward the slings, elbows soft;
Do a squat;
Do a rotation with weight;
Repeat the same on the other side.
Keep your abs tense while resisting the rotation throughout the movement.

Recommended load:


Benefits of exercise

Squat rotation under load level 1 on FISIO functional loops is performed in two movements.

Squatting is a multi-joint exercise that involves large muscle groups. The buttocks, thighs, and ankle are connected to the work.

Rotational movements help to develop muscle flexibility, which contributes to good mobility of the upper shoulder body. Side-to-side rotation improves the range of motion of the thoracic spine, which can be useful for performing other physical exercises or daily tasks. The exercise requires coordination of the movements of the arms, forearm and lower body, it helps to develop coordination and balance of the body. Maintaining an even body position during turns strengthens the muscles of the press. 
